================ Change history ================ 0.10.7 [2010-10-07 03:20 P.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * ``ConsumerSet``: Now possible to add/cancel consumers at runtime * To add another consumer to an active set do:: >>> cset.add_consumer(C) >>> # or >>> cset.add_consumer_from_dict(**declaration) >>> # ... >>> # consume() will declare new consumers >>> cset.consume() * To cancel an active consumer by queue name do:: >>> cset.cancel_by_queue(queue_name) 0.10.6 [2010-09-03 10:16 A.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * ``Publisher.send``: Now supports an exchange argument used to override the exchange to send the message to (defaults to ``Publisher.exchange``). Note that this exchange must have been declared. * STOMP backend: Now supports username and password authentication. * pika backend called basic_get with incorrect arguments. 0.10.5 [2010-06-03 09:02 A.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * In-memory backend: discard_all() now works correctly. * Added msgpack serialization support See http://msgpack.sourceforge.net for more information. To enable set:: serializer="msgpack" * Added dependency specification for building RPMs. $ python setup.py bdist_rpm 0.10.4 [2010-05-14 10:26 A.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * Added ``BrokerConnection.drain_events()`` (only works for amqplib/pika) `drain_events` waits for events on all active channels. * amqplib: Added timeout support to ``drain_events``. Example usage: >>> c = Consumer() >>> it = c.iterconsume() >>> # wait for event on any channel >>> try: ... connection.drain_events(timeout=1) ... except socket.timeout: pass * Added Consumer.consume / ConsumerSet.consume We're slowly moving away from ``iterconsume`` as this flow doesn't make sense. You often want to consume from several channels at once, so ``iterconsume`` will probably be deprecated at some point. "new-style" consume example:: >>> connection = BrokerConnection(..) >>> consumer = Consumer(connection, ...) >>> consumer.register_callback(handle_message) >>> consumer.consume() # declares consumers >>> while True: ... connection.drain_events() >>> consumer.cancel() # Cancel consumer. More elaborate example consuming from two channels, where the first channel consumes from multiple queues:: >>> connection = BrokerConnection(..) # The first channel receives jobs from several # queues. >>> queues = {"video": {"exchange": "jobs", ... "queue": "video", ... "routing_key": "video"}, ... "image": {"exchange": "jobs", ... "queue": "image", ... "routing_key": "image"}} >>> job_consumer = ConsumerSet(connection, from_dict=queues) >>> job_consumer.register_callback(handle_job) >>> job_consumer.consume() # The second channel receives remote control commands. >>> remote_consumer = Consumer(connection, queue="control", ... exchange="control") >>> remote_consumer.register_callback(handle_remote_command) >>> remote_consumer.consume() # The eventloop. # Receives a single message a pass and calls the appropriate # callback. >>> try: ... while True: ... connection.drain_events() ... finally: ... job_consumer.close() ... remote_consumer.close() ... connection.close() * amqplib: now raises ``KeyError`` if hostname isn't set. 0.10.3 [2010-03-08 05:01 P.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * Consumer/Publisher: A kwarg option set to ``None`` should always mean "use the class default value". This was not always the case, but has been fixed in this release. * DjangoBrokerConnection: Now accepts a custom ``settings`` object. E.g.: >>> conn = DjangoBrokerConnection(settings=mysettings) * Consumer.iterconsume: Now raises :exc:`StopIteration` if the channel is closed. (http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues/issue/24) * Fixed syntax error in the DjangoBrokerConnection which could be triggered if some conditions were met. * setup.cfg: Disable --enable-coverage from nosetests section * Consumer.iterconsume now works properly when using the Python Queue module based backend (http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues/issue/23). 0.10.2 [2010-02-03 11:43 A.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * Resolved a typo in the experimental Pika backend. 0.10.1 [2010-01-16 10:17 P.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * Fixed syntax error typo in the Pika backend. 0.10.0 [2010-01-15 12:08 A.M CEST] ---------------------------------- * Added experimental Pika backend for async support. See http://github.com/tonyg/pika * Python 2.4 compatibility. * Added intent revealing names for use with the delivery_mode attribute * The amqplib internal connection now supports waiting for events on any channel, so as to not block the event loop on a single channel. Example: >>> from carrot.connection import BrokerConnection >>> from carrot.messaging import Consumer, Publisher >>> from functools import partial >>> connection = BrokerConnection(...) >>> consumer1 = Consumer(queue="foo", exchange="foo") >>> consumer2 = Consumer(queue="bar", exchange="bar") >>> def callback(channel, message_data, message): ... print(%s: %s" % (channel, message_data)) >>> consumer1.register_callback(partial(callback, "channel1")) >>> consumer2.register_callback(partial(callback, "channel2")) >>> pub1 = Publisher(exchange="foo") >>> pub2 = Publisher(exchange="bar") >>> [(i % 2 and pub1 or pub2).send({"hello": "world"}) ... for i in range(100)] >>> while True: ... connection.connection.drain_events() But please be sure to note that this is an internal feature only, hopefully we will have a public interface for this for v1.0. 0.8.0 [2009-11-16 05:11 P.M CEST] --------------------------------- **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES** * Django: ``AMQP_SERVER`` has been deprecated and renamed to ``BROKER_HOST``. ``AMQP_SERVER`` is still supported but will be removed in version 1.0. * Django: All ``AMQP_*`` settings has been renamed to ``BROKER_*``, the old settings still work but gives a deprecation warning. ``AMQP_*`` is scheduled for removal in v1.0. * You now have to include the class name in the CARROT_BACKEND string. E.g. where you before had "my.module.backends", you now need to include the class name: ``"my.module.backends.BackendClass"``. The aliases works like before. *BUGFIXES* * Cancel should delete the affected _consumer * qos()/flow() now working properly. * Fixed the bug in UUID4 which makes it return the same id over and over. *OTHER* * Sphinx docs: Remove django dependency when building docs. Thanks jetfar! * You can now build the documentatin using ``python setup.py build_sphinx`` (thanks jetfar!) 0.6.1 [2009-09-30 12:29 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Forgot to implement qos/flow in the pyamqplib backend (doh). Big thanks to stevvooe! See issue `#18`_ * Renamed ConsumerSet._open_channels -> _open_consumers * Channel is now a weak reference so it's collected on channel exception. See issue `#17`_. Thanks to ltucker. * Publisher.auto_declare/Consumer.auto_declare: Can now disable the default behaviour of automatically declaring the queue, exchange and queue binding. * Need to close the connection to receive mandatory/immediate errors (related to issue `#16`_). Thanks to ltucker. * pyamqplib backend close didn't work properly, typo channel -> _channel * Adds carrot.backends.pystomp to the reference documentation. .. _`#18`: http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues#issue/18 .. _`#17`: http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues#issue/17 .. _`#16`: http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues#issue/16 0.6.0 [2009-09-17 16:41 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ **BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES** * AMQPConnection renamed to BrokerConnection with AMQPConnection remaining an alias for backwards compatability. Similarly DjangoAMQPConnection is renamed to DjangoBrokerConnection. * AMQPConnection renamed to BrokerConnection DjangoAMQPConnection renamed to DjangoBrokerConnection (The previous names are still available but will be deprecated in 1.0) * The connection is now lazy, requested only when it's needed. To explicitly connect you have to evaluate the BrokerConnections ``connection`` attribute. >>> connection = BrokerConnection(...) # Not connected yet. >>> connection.connection; # Now it's connected * A channel is now lazy, requested only when it's needed. * pyamqplib.Message.amqp_message is now a private attribute **NEW FEATURES** * Basic support for STOMP using the stompy library. (Available at http://bitbucket.org/benjaminws/python-stomp/overview/) * Implements :meth:`Consumer.qos` and :meth:`Consumer.flow` for setting quality of service and flow control. **NEWS** * The current Message class is now available as an attribute on the Backend. * Default port is now handled by the backend and all AMQP_* settings to the DjangoBrokerConnection is now optional * Backend is now initialized in the connection instead of Consumer/Publisher, so backend_cls now has to be sent to AMQPConnection if you want to explicitly set it. * Specifying utf-8 as the content type when forcing unicode into a string. This removes the reference to the unbound content_type variable. 0.5.1 [2009-07-19 06:19 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Handle messages without content_encoding attribute set. * Make delivery_info available on the Message instance. * Use anyjson to detect best installed JSON module on the system. 0.5.0 [2009-06-25 08:16 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ **BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES** * Custom encoder/decoder support has been moved to a centralized registry in ``carrot.serialization``. This means the ``encoder``/``decoder`` optional arguments to ``Publisher.send`` `(and the similar attributes of ``Publisher`` and ``Consumer`` classes) no longer exist. See ``README`` for details of the new system. * Any ``Consumer`` and ``Publisher`` instances should be upgraded at the same time since carrot now uses the AMQP ``content-type`` field to know how to automatically de-serialize your data. If you use an old-style ``Publisher`` with a new-style ``Consumer``, you will get a raw string back as ``message_data`` instead of your de-serialized data. An old-style ``Consumer`` will work with a new-style ``Publisher`` as long as you're using the default ``JSON`` serialization methods. * Acknowledging/Rejecting/Requeuing a message twice now raises an exception. *ENHANCEMENTS* * ``ConsumerSet``: Receive messages from several consumers. 0.4.5 [2009-06-15 01:58 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ **BACKWARD-INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES** * the exchange is now also declared in the ``Publisher``. This means the following attributes (if used) must be set on *both* the ``Publisher`` and the ``Consumer``: ``exchange_type``, ``durable`` and ``auto_delete``. **IMPORTANT BUGS** * No_ack was always set to ``True`` when using ``Consumer.iterconsume``. 0.4.4 [2009-06-15 01:58 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * __init__.pyc was included in the distribution by error. 0.4.3 [2009-06-13 09:26 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fix typo with long_description in ``setup.py``. 0.4.2 [2009-06-13 08:30 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Make sure README exists before reading it for ``long_description``. Thanks to jcater. * ``discard_all``: Use ``AMQP.queue_purge`` if ``filterfunc`` is not specified 0.4.1 [2009-06-08 04:21 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Consumer/Publisher now correctly sets the encoder/decoder if they have been overriden by setting the class attribute. 0.4.0 [2009-06-06 01:39 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ **IMPORTANT** Please don't use ``Consumer.wait`` in production. Use either of ``Consumer.iterconsume`` or ``Consumer.iterqueue``. **IMPORTANT** The ``ack`` argument to ``Consumer.process_next`` has been removed, use the instance-wide ``auto_ack`` argument/attribute instead. **IMPORTANT** ``Consumer.message_to_python`` has been removed, use ``message.decode()`` on the returned message object instead. **IMPORTANT** Consumer/Publisher/Messaging now no longer takes a backend instance, but a backend class, so the ``backend`` argument is renamed to ``backend_cls``. *WARNING* ``Consumer.process_next`` has been deprecated in favor of ``Consumer.fetch(enable_callbacks=True)`` and emits a ``DeprecationWarning`` if used. * ``Consumer.iterconsume``: New sane way to use basic_consume instead of ``Consumer.wait``: (Consmer.wait now uses this behind the scenes, just wrapped around a highly unsafe infinite loop.) * Consumer: New options: ``auto_ack`` and ``no_ack``. Auto ack means the consumer will automatically acknowledge new messages, and No-Ack means it will disable acknowledgement on the server alltogether (probably not what you want) * ``Consumer.iterqueue``: Now supports infinite argument, which means the iterator doesn't raise ``StopIteration`` if there's no messages, but instead yields ``None`` (thus never ends) * message argument to consumer callbacks is now a ``carrot.backends.pyamqplib.Message`` instance. See `[GH #4]`_. Thanks gregoirecachet! .. _`[GH #4]`: http://github.com/ask/carrot/issues/closed/#issue/4 * AMQPConnection, Consumer, Publisher and Messaging now supports the with statement. They automatically close when the with-statement block exists. * Consumer tags are now automatically generated for each class instance, so you should never get the "consumer tag already open" error anymore. * Loads of new unit tests. 0.4.0-pre7 [2009-06-03 05:08 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Conform to pep8.py trying to raise our pypants score. * Documentation cleanup (thanks Rune Halvorsen) 0.4.0-pre6 [2009-06-03 04:55 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * exclusive implies auto_delete, not durable. Closes #2. Thanks gregoirecachet * Consumer tags are now automatically generated by the class module, name and a UUID. * New attribute ``Consumer.warn_if_exists:`` If True, emits a warning if the queue has already been declared. If a queue already exists, and you try to redeclare the queue with new settings, the new settings will be silently ignored, so this can be useful if you've recently changed the `routing_key` attribute or other settings. 0.4.0-pre3 [2009-05-29 02:27 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * Publisher.send: Now supports message priorities (a number between ``0`` and ``9``) * Publihser.send: Added ``routing_key`` keyword argument. Can override the routing key for a single message. * Publisher.send: Support for the ``immediate`` and ``mandatory`` flags. 0.4.0-pre2 [2009-05-29 02:27 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * AMQPConnection: Added ``connect_timeout`` timeout option, which is the timeout in seconds before we exhaust trying to establish a connection to the AMQP server. 0.4.0-pre1 [2009-05-27 04:27 P.M CET] ------------------------------------------------------------------ * This version introduces backends. The consumers and publishers all have an associated backend. Currently there are two backends available; ``pyamqlib`` and ``pyqueue``. The ``amqplib`` backend is for production use, while the ``Queue`` backend is for use while unit testing. * Consumer/Publisher operations no longer re-establishes the connection if the connection has been closed. * ``Consumer.next`` has been deprecated for a while, and has now been removed. * Message objects now have a ``decode`` method, to deserialize the message body. * You can now use the Consumer class standalone, without subclassing, by registering callbacks by using ``Consumer.register_callback``. * Ability to filter messages in ``Consumer.discard_all``. * carrot now includes a basic unit test suite, which hopefully will be more complete in later releases. * carrot now uses the Sphinx documentation system. 0.3.9 [2009-05-18 04:49 P.M CET] -------------------------------------------------------------- * Consumer.wait() now works properly again. Thanks Alexander Solovyov! 0.3.8 [2009-05-11 02:14 P.M CET] -------------------------------------------------------------- * Rearranged json module import order. New order is cjson > simplejson > json > django.util.somplejson * _Backwards incompatible change: Have to instantiate AMQPConnection object before passing it to consumers/publishers. e.g before when you did >>> consumer = Consumer(connection=DjangoAMQPConnection) you now have to do >>> consumer = Consumer(connection=DjangoAMQPConnection()) or sometimes you might even want to share the same connection with publisher/consumer. 0.2.1 [2009-03-24 05:48 P.M CET] -------------------------------------------------------------- * Fix typo "package" -> "packages" in setup.py 0.2.0 [2009-03-24 05:23 P.M ]` -------------------------------------------------------------- * hasty bugfix release, fixed syntax errors. 0.1.0 [2009-03-24 05:16 P.M ]` -------------------------------------------------------------- * Initial release